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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Today I got up with the thought in mind to get some painting done on my walls as I am trying to get this house in shape for resale,however,as I tried to drink my coffee,the dog needed to be let outside and the cats curled around my feet waiting to be fed their breakfast and here I am not quite woke up yet and ready to face the day!!!!!!Whew!!! that was long I don't know about your pets but mine are pretty spoiled...I know,I know...I brought it on myself and you are right!!!But they were so cute when I spoiled Anyway,I got busy on mopping my kitchen floor and cleaning the cat box and a little sewing(new projects to be posted when finished)and throwing in a roast for dinner that I never did get to the painting!!!!Oh well,I guess that gives me a reason to get up tomorrow and I believe it was Ghandi who said," Everything we do in life is irrelevant".
That being said,I still need to keep myself busy so wish me luck on getting some painting done sometime this
Stop in and visit and leave me a comment..I would love to hear from you!!!Take care until the next blog...Sando

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