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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hello my friends..
My thoughts today go back to my childhood and my childhood friends.I think of them often and have even contacted a few on facebook.This past year has been a year of losses of dear friends that I and my husband have grown up with.We are at an age now where this could be a frequent experience(sad as it is).From these past losses it reminds me that time is shorter than we think and we must put past issues aside and make the most of what time we have left.So this year my bucket list per say is to connect with old friends,distant cousins and spend more quality time with my siblings and personal family.It is hard to do since everyone is so busy in their lives but I want to put my utmost effort into achieving some sort of connection with the people that mean and meant so much to me in my life.Maybe it is called nostalgia!Maybe it is called wisdom in knowing what the important things in life are!Whatever you want to call it,it seems to be the path I am willing to travel this year.Sooo my dear friends,I leave you today to discover what path you want to travel and hope you find what you need to fulfill your soul.Remember,smile everyday and say something nice to someone but mostly do something nice for yourself.Take care..Sando

1 comment:

  1. Wow Sandy! What an uplifting post.... I like it! I hope you had a lovely day!
