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Monday, January 31, 2011

Good morning my dear friends!
Today the weather is nice and the sun is shining but it won't be long before we get a bundle of snow upon us so get prepared and go stock up on whatever you need to get you through a couple of days.Maybe it won't be as bad as they predict but time will tell.
I got up and spent the morning with my sister(Diana) having breakfast and going to get a pedicure and our eyebrows waxed.It was relaxing and a fun time.Wish our other sister was here to do that with us(Mary). Things just keep getting worse,I tell you my friends.
Not for me but my mother-in-law fell last night and broke her hip so she is having surgery in a few hours.I don't know about you all but this seems to be a tough winter for us around here.I know spring is coming and there will be brighter days but I have to say that I can hardly wait for them.The good news is my little Jax is doing superbly recouping from his surgery.He is a tough little guy which is why I love him so.On that note,I am signing off and wishing everyone a joyful and very safe day.Take care..Sando

1 comment:

  1. A pedicure and a eye brow wax? I'm so jealous!
    You are doing great things in 2011. Blogging, doing things for yourself...For You! Love you Sandy
