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Monday, January 31, 2011

Good morning my dear friends!
Today the weather is nice and the sun is shining but it won't be long before we get a bundle of snow upon us so get prepared and go stock up on whatever you need to get you through a couple of days.Maybe it won't be as bad as they predict but time will tell.
I got up and spent the morning with my sister(Diana) having breakfast and going to get a pedicure and our eyebrows waxed.It was relaxing and a fun time.Wish our other sister was here to do that with us(Mary). Things just keep getting worse,I tell you my friends.
Not for me but my mother-in-law fell last night and broke her hip so she is having surgery in a few hours.I don't know about you all but this seems to be a tough winter for us around here.I know spring is coming and there will be brighter days but I have to say that I can hardly wait for them.The good news is my little Jax is doing superbly recouping from his surgery.He is a tough little guy which is why I love him so.On that note,I am signing off and wishing everyone a joyful and very safe day.Take care..Sando

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Joyce Elder Schutt visitation

Dear Friends...

Today Greg and I went to my dear friends,(Joyce Elder Schutt) funeral visitation.I have to tell you there were so many people there as I knew there would be.Joyce has touched the lives of so many people.It takes a very special person  and not everyone can do that. I often think about the impact I might make in this world.I know that I could never hold a candle to our sweet Joyce but I know that I am a better person for knowing her and thinking about what a lovely human being she was inspires me to be a better person and therefor,Joyce you have left something in this world for me and your existence was not in vain.God Bless you

Saturday, January 29, 2011

How to Make Your Own Vinegar: 6 steps (with video) - wikiHow

How to Make Your Own Vinegar: 6 steps (with video) - wikiHow
   Arnold Lee Gatrel                                                  1928-1993


Jax's return

Hello friends..
Yesterday was a busy time for me as I had to go pick Jax up from his overnight stay at the vet.Remember he had to go get neutered and front paws declawed.He is doing fantastic but we are being careful of his stitches.I am so relieved to have him back home.Even Taylor is being good with him sensing that he isn't up to par.I went to bingo last night with Diana but again we walked away with no winnings.I guess bingo just isn't my game but we had a good time anyway.It would have been nice if my other sister(Mary) could have been there with us also."The three musketeers" lol.I got home from bingo and my brother (Gary)called me and we had a nice visit.Well the husband is out on the ice fishing with his comprades this morning so it is nice and quiet around the house.I am enjoyin my 1st cup of coffee deciding what I want to do first this morning.I hope everyone has a safe and fulfilling day today.Take care...Sando

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sad Day-Joyce Elder Schutt

                                                   Joyce M. Elder Shutt

Dear Friends...
Today is a sad day for me.I feel I need to share my thoughts and feelings.My dear,dear friend (Joyce Elder)passed away today sometime around 1:00p.m.We knew her passing was coming soon but it still doesn't prepare you on how it effects you when you hear the devastating news.Joyce was a beautiful person who was loved by many, many people.She had a sparkle about her and an infectious laughter.I for one will never forget her laugh.I loved her very much and will miss the fact that I will never laugh with her or hug her again.We had many good times together when we were young.We worked together and rode to work together.We went out together with our husbands and had many good times.I miss those days and I will miss my dear,dear friend! Thank you Joyce for being a part of my will be sincerely missed and may God hold you in his loving arms tonight..

Jax's big Day

Good morning friends..
Today is a nervous mommy day for me.Baby Jax is at the vets getting neutered and declawed.He has never been away from home and I am sure he is scared that I abandoned him.The vet office would not let me send his comfort bear or blankie with him which makes it worse.I know that he will be fine but it is who I am when it comes to my pets.I miss him already and I just dropped him off..Silly I know..Anyway it is snowing like the dickens out there today so everyone drive safely!!Today my doggie (Heidi)is coming home from up north with her dad.They spent 2 days of frolicking and fun so hopefully they will be worn out..Lol..I did get some painting done,some cleaning and a little sewing done in their abscence..These are on-going projects so I don't see any light at the end of that tunnel!!!!I had a nice surprise the other night as my cousin(Robert)had called me.I had not spoken to him in many years.I had also conversed with his sister(karen)through Facebook.It was nice.I also chatted on facebook with two of my grade school classmates.It was good!!
It brought back many memories.I am sorry to say that I am having trouble getting motivated today but I feel it is largely because of how I feel with Jax gone.I can call to check on him after 3:00 and pick him up tomorrow around 5:00.
I wish today I could focus more on being cheerful and uplifting to my readers and for that I am sorry so with that note I am going to say adeiu and remember smile and connect with someone today!!!!!It will bring some joy to your heart!!! Take care...Sando

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hello my friends..
My thoughts today go back to my childhood and my childhood friends.I think of them often and have even contacted a few on facebook.This past year has been a year of losses of dear friends that I and my husband have grown up with.We are at an age now where this could be a frequent experience(sad as it is).From these past losses it reminds me that time is shorter than we think and we must put past issues aside and make the most of what time we have left.So this year my bucket list per say is to connect with old friends,distant cousins and spend more quality time with my siblings and personal family.It is hard to do since everyone is so busy in their lives but I want to put my utmost effort into achieving some sort of connection with the people that mean and meant so much to me in my life.Maybe it is called nostalgia!Maybe it is called wisdom in knowing what the important things in life are!Whatever you want to call it,it seems to be the path I am willing to travel this year.Sooo my dear friends,I leave you today to discover what path you want to travel and hope you find what you need to fulfill your soul.Remember,smile everyday and say something nice to someone but mostly do something nice for yourself.Take care..Sando

Raw Video: Baby gorilla debuts in Australia

Raw Video: Baby gorilla debuts in Australia

Lead shot in venison is the subject of Natural Resources Board seminar

Lead shot in venison is the subject of Natural Resources Board seminar

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Good morning friends!
I have my coffee in hand and it is well needed this morning.I have a busy day lined up for myself so lets hope I can stir up some motivation for myself!!!LOL....Today,Yes I am going to try to tackle that paint job on the hallway today.I am tired of looking at a half painted and Heidi left this morning for 2 days to go up north to our home in Arkdale.He will stop in Black River Falls to visit his friend,Terry and heidi's best friend "Joe"(Terry's dog).Greg will exercise the daylights out of her which she needs alot right now being cooped up for the winter.Soooo with the man and dog gone for 2 days it is just me and the cats..Sweeeeeet!!!! Nice and it is time for me to get tons done while they are gone.I added some black frames around some of my photos and added a translater button to my blog.I try to do something everyday..Hope you like it and leave me some feedback!!!I would love your comments!!!!!Take care and do something nice for yourself today!!!!!Sando

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Good Afternoon my friends..
I have been working all morning on trying to fix the gigantic gap in the middle of my blog.Wow!!! What an undertaking! Anyhow,I did get some progress made but will continue to tweak it some more.Other than that not much is happening this fine Sunday afternoon except the big game today between the Chicago Bears and the Green Bay Packers!!!! Go Packers!!!!
Everyone enjoy their day today and something nice for someone today....It will make YOUR day!!!!!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Saturday morning

Good morning my dear friends!
Well it is another crisp morning outside!It is a good thing that I have my trusted coffee to keep me warm until I decide what I want to do with my day.I went to Bingo last night with my sister(Diana)and it was a great time.No,I didn't win but it was a fun time all the same.We first met at a little bistro named NIKKI's,a cute little place downtown Beloit for a chai latte and a dessert.It was really quaint but very peaceful.I would recommend it if you want a quiet place to get away for awhile.I am thinking I will go there again sometime.Anyway,as far as my friday night out went,the coffee,dessert and company were all A+.The only thing that would have topped it would have been a I am thinking I may need to venture out and go to JoAnn Fabrics as I need some material to work on a project.
I have to tell you that lately I have been having more fun than I have in quite a long time.I am going out a whole lot more and interacting with more people in very positive ways.This is a great thing for me especially during these cold winter days when we all can get into such depressive states of mind.My next adventure goal is to get out and see the new Harry Potter movie.I think I will put that on my next weeks list of things to do!Well,I am off to take in this beautiful but chilly Saturday...Enjoy life my friends and do something nice for someone today or call someone you haven't spoke to in a long will do you heart good!
Take care and be safe..Sando

Friday, January 21, 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Good Morning my dear friends!
This morning as I was adding my picture of the grandkids snowman,I had a thought on how important family is and that we should take advantage of the time we spend with them.As you know I spent time yesterday with my grandchildren and it was glorious.I know that I don't do all a grandmother should do but my heart is with them always.I want them to know that their grandparents love them and will stand by them unconditionally even if we don't see them as often as we should.I do know that they are being raised up in a Christian home with good morals and manners.This means so much to me.Kudos to Scott and Ginger for their parenting skills for I know that my grandchildren will grow to be well balanced and giving people.Anyway,lets all give thanks to family and friends and try to be kinder and forgiving this year.Spread lots of LOVE and JOY!!!!!take care,Sando

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How to Lose Weight Using Bodyweight Exercises |

How to Lose Weight Using Bodyweight Exercises |

Fabulous few days!

Hello friends!
I have'nt been on for a few days because I have been very busy! Yesterday my husband and I went to the matinee and saw the movie" The Fighter" starring Christian Bale and Mark Walberg.
It was a great movie that is worth going to see and Christian Bale was exceptional in his role."Thats all I am going to say about that so you will have to go see it the movie we headed to Rockford and went out to dinner at Old Country Buffet..It was a nice time together as we sat over a cup of after dinner coffee and talked.Afterward we stopped into JoAnn Fabrics so I could pick up a few items that I needed and we came home and watched a movie that we had rented...Oh,I should mention that this morning he came home with a box of Trinidads(Fannie May)..I really didn't need them but it was a sweet gesture(pardon the pun)so I thanked him and ate them anyway!
Who wouldn't???? Am I right or am I right! So we get home after a full day last night and my son (Scott) calls and says he needs our help early the next morning so up we get this morning and head to janesville at 7:00.I am greeted at the door by my granddaughters,Rebekah and Abbey and of course our granddoggie(journey)Also We are getting a new granddoggie(a golden lab or retriever named jackson).Anyway,
ginger and grandpa took bekah to school while I stayed with abbey and Levi as he just woke up.His eyes still sleepy,he comes to the kitchen and lazily says"Hi!Grandma Sandy,I missed you so much!Then he crawled up on my lap....ya got to love it!!!! So now we left the kids house and we went to go have my nails filled in and decided to get a pedicure.all I can say is OMG!!!It came with a back massage from the chair and it was the best....So there ya have it...I was out on a date with my husband,visiting grandchildren,doing a good deed helping the kids out and getting nails and a massage and pedicure...oh and I bought me some awesome boots today too so throw in a little now I am blogging to you so there ya have it my friends why I have'nt been on.Anyway tomorrow I plan to stay home and get something around here done!(or that is my plan tonight) shall see what tomorrow brings...Have a great night and a terrific tomorrow!!!!!!!Take care,Sando

Monday, January 17, 2011

Good morning friends..
Today I looked out and it is snowing like a blizzard outside.If I was twenty years younger I would get bundled up and go out and play in it.This weeks tips are all about cleaning stains so stay tuned in see if there isn't something you can use.Also the thoughts of the day this week involve friendships.Friendships are so important and we all need daily reminders to keep us on the right path involving our relationships.Coffee is good this morning as I ponder what I want to accomplish today.Speaking of relationships.I have connected on facebook with my cousin whom I haven't seen or spoken with for many years.Her name is karen and it was so nice to hear from her.I think this year I will connect more with my family and friends.I need to get more involved and call more and listen more and go out to lunches more.We all get caught up in our lives and the next thing you know the world passes you by.Sound familiar anyone???
So I will end todays blog with the thought that we all need to work a little harder on our lifes relationships and may we all find a friend in everyone we meet.Take care,Sando

Friday, January 14, 2011

Hooray it's Friday!

Greetings friends!
What a beautiful day it is today.I hope it is for you all as well.I am working steadily on some of these projects that I spoke of in my recent blogs and I am seeing some light at the end of the tunnel..."Yayyyy". Tonight I am going to go to bingo again with my sisters since my sister(Mary)is returning to her home in Indiana tomorrow and I don't know when I will see her next.So another fun filled night with the female sibs tonight.I am hoping to get some pics of my new works taken by tomorrow so cross your fingers for
Until then God bless and take care..Sando :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Mamma's day out

Greetings my friends..

I know I haven't been on in a few day to blog,however I did manage to get some photos up and also to change the tips and thoughts of the day.I hop you all are enjoying them and feel inspired to check in with me daily to see them and just to say hi.I have been busy working on some projects like my pillows for the sofa,a paint can that I am covering and which I plan to make into a bank.I am also working on a wreath made of shells and a pair of throw pillows for my bed up north.I also have 2 heater bags I need to make for my son and a european head mount on a friends buck that he shot during deer season....needless to say I am pretty busy these days.But....I did manage to go out today to a movie and dinner with my husband,my sister and her husband..We saw the movie,"Little Fockers" and it was pretty good.(not as good as the first movie) but still I liked it.Tomorrow I am hoping to put some kind of a dent in some of my projects...Wish me luck!!!!! Oh!! I just got my new quilt template in today of the dresden plate..I can't wait to try it out but I already have way tooo many pans in the fire so it is going to have to wait.By the way ,I still haven't worked on my painting on my walls....I know,my bad! Is that line outdated it is,someone better leave me a comment and let me,I have to go for now so leave me a comment and lets keep in touch...take care,Sando

Monday, January 10, 2011

What would you like to see

This morning I got to thinking about my blog and what i should have on it and it occurred to me that it should have things that inspire people who come to visit me and things that continue to interest people.As you can see I have added a thought for the day and a tip for the day which will be got it!DAILY...Just a little something to think about.Today I have to go shopping and get some material to make my son a bag for his ice fishing heater.I am not sure how I am going to put this thing together but I have a considerable amount of noodles upstairs so I guess I will figure it will let you all know as I work on it.Anyway,as we are out shopping today(hubby and me),we will pick up my sister who is visiting from Fort Wayne,Indiana and she will spend the night with us.Should be fun!!!Still looks like no wall painting for me again today however I am working on some throw pillows for my sofa and I need to cut out some quilt hexagons to make a tablecloth...
If I ever get done with these projects I will post them for you all to take a peek.If any of you have any suggestions on what you would like to see on this blog,leave a comment and let me know!It was great having coffee and a chat with you all this morning..Have a very inspiring and safe day! Sando

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Today I got up with the thought in mind to get some painting done on my walls as I am trying to get this house in shape for resale,however,as I tried to drink my coffee,the dog needed to be let outside and the cats curled around my feet waiting to be fed their breakfast and here I am not quite woke up yet and ready to face the day!!!!!!Whew!!! that was long I don't know about your pets but mine are pretty spoiled...I know,I know...I brought it on myself and you are right!!!But they were so cute when I spoiled Anyway,I got busy on mopping my kitchen floor and cleaning the cat box and a little sewing(new projects to be posted when finished)and throwing in a roast for dinner that I never did get to the painting!!!!Oh well,I guess that gives me a reason to get up tomorrow and I believe it was Ghandi who said," Everything we do in life is irrelevant".
That being said,I still need to keep myself busy so wish me luck on getting some painting done sometime this
Stop in and visit and leave me a comment..I would love to hear from you!!!Take care until the next blog...Sando

Friday, January 7, 2011

Night out with the girls

Tonight is Friday night and I am going out on the town with my 2 dear sisters!!!!!! Where you say???? Yep,you guessed it...Friday Night Fish Fry at the Legion followed by Bingo!
Yes,I am pumped because I get to spend some time with my sisters and that makes me happy! That being said,there are flurries blowing out there tonight so I hope the roads are safe.I hope you all check out the videos that I posted! Have fun with it...I do! I wish you all a good and safe evening and will let you know how my Friday Night escapade turned out!
until later.....Sando

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Just pondering

It has been a great day for me today. My husband took me out to the movies to see
"True Grit" and I have to say it was a pretty good movie and we had such a nice time together. We haven't gone to the movies in quite a long time but I think we will be doing it more often. After 38 years together,there is still some hand holding going
Anyway, I hope you like the photos that I posted so far...This blog is a work in progress so check in every day to see how this page comes together! I would love to hear from you and please share any ideas or thoughts. As for me, I think I will kick back tonight and relax with the hubby. so feel free to browse my page and I will talk to you later!! Sando

Early morning hours

It is 3:30 in the morning and I am still awake fiddling with my blog!!!! I added a few photos of things that I have made and also of some family. I am new at this blog thing so please be patient with me as I maneuver my way around.I will try to do a little something each day and add interesting things to this page.I am off to bed for now but shall be back in the (later) morning with my coffee cup in hand.Please join me and leave your notes and thoughts...I welcome visitors and friends! See ya soon, Sando!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Good Morning to everyone this beautiful morning!

Well today I am thinking over my morning coffee about what I want to do today.
First and most I need to get some housework done....Yuck!! However it needs to be done and I need what little exercise it can offer That being said I think that today I will add some photos to my page so you all can get a peek at what I see and do on a daily basis.So meet with me this afternoon,grab a cup of coffee and escape with me on a journey to Sando's escape! 

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Getting started

Hi Everyone! Welcome to Sando's Escape!
 My name is Sandra and I have decided that tonight I will get started
on writing a blog. I felt with the winter months upon us that I needed an escape (hence the name Sando's Escape) ( By the way the name Sando is a pet name my youngest brother calls me) so here we are..
I have never written a blog before but I heard once that you just get on and start talking about whatever you feel...If that is the case,watch out bloggers and pray its a good day!
Just kidding, of course.Anyway,I am really excited about sharing my thoughts,and ideas,stories and crafts with you all...Bear with me on this journey and enjoy the ride!