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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Jax's big Day

Good morning friends..
Today is a nervous mommy day for me.Baby Jax is at the vets getting neutered and declawed.He has never been away from home and I am sure he is scared that I abandoned him.The vet office would not let me send his comfort bear or blankie with him which makes it worse.I know that he will be fine but it is who I am when it comes to my pets.I miss him already and I just dropped him off..Silly I know..Anyway it is snowing like the dickens out there today so everyone drive safely!!Today my doggie (Heidi)is coming home from up north with her dad.They spent 2 days of frolicking and fun so hopefully they will be worn out..Lol..I did get some painting done,some cleaning and a little sewing done in their abscence..These are on-going projects so I don't see any light at the end of that tunnel!!!!I had a nice surprise the other night as my cousin(Robert)had called me.I had not spoken to him in many years.I had also conversed with his sister(karen)through Facebook.It was nice.I also chatted on facebook with two of my grade school classmates.It was good!!
It brought back many memories.I am sorry to say that I am having trouble getting motivated today but I feel it is largely because of how I feel with Jax gone.I can call to check on him after 3:00 and pick him up tomorrow around 5:00.
I wish today I could focus more on being cheerful and uplifting to my readers and for that I am sorry so with that note I am going to say adeiu and remember smile and connect with someone today!!!!!It will bring some joy to your heart!!! Take care...Sando

1 comment:

  1. on another note,, Jax will be fine sandy
    i know it's hard to deal with right now
    but down the road it will all be something
    in the past. he wont even remember it.
