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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Another Day

Good morning my dear friends..
It is a beautiful morning outside today...It looks like it could rain but it is nice to get outside and get some fresh air in our lungs.I am still monitoring my weight managing program very carefully.I weighed myself this morning and I stayed the same weight as yesterday.That is ok!!!! It is so much better than a gain and I realize that I won't have a loss everyday.I know,I know,some people think you shouldn't weigh every day but I for one am a person that needs that check in  to keep on track and monitor otherwise I don't keep with it and the whole process is lost.With that out of the way,I believe my weight loss or lack of is due to a higher sodium count.I retain my salts and I noticed that my sodium intake yesterday was higher than 2 days ago so I will take my meds to release my water and we will see what tomorrow brings.As of today I will still enter my food intake on Fatsecret and continue the quest.Thanks for being here for me and remember to smile and do something good for your body today weather it is eating an apple,seeds,taking your calcium or going for a mini walk..Let's make 2011 a great year and take care.Sando

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Late night thoughts

Hello dear friends...
I haven't been writing for a little while.Seems like I just get too busy in my life and time gets away from me.I am so ready for spring .
How about you all,are you just as ready to see some spring flowers and nice days to get out and enjoy? I have been trying to change my eating lifestyle and drop some unwanted pounds.So far I have lost 5#.That is pretty good considering that I just started a week ago.I am diligently monitoring my caloric intake plus what kinds of foods I am feeding my so called furnace.The good part about this is that I also have my husband thinking about his weight also and so he is also trying to eat better.I have several inspirations that are driving me,one of which my youngest son is getting married in December and that gives me plenty of time to get into shape.The wedding will be in Florida which makes it even nicer.( a vacation to boot!).Also I want to feel the best that I can and keep up with my grandchildren and have my sons not be ashamed of their moms appearance.Don't get me wrong ,I know they love me but I want to be a better example to the ones I love. Sooooo I have decided to post my trials and tribulations of my new quest and hope that you all will be here for some support.Oh, good news from my cholesterol labs....overall cholesterol is 177 which is very good for me.The nurse said I was very healthy and whatever I was doing to keep it up.Hows that for good news!!!! Maybe my friends, I will live to be 100!!!!
Well keep in touch my friends to see how I fare on my journey.Take care Sando

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Saturday Thoughts

Hello Dear friends..
I have not been on for several days so I thought I should check in so you all know that I still exist.I have been busy with painting my hallway and I am happy to say I am close to finishing it.I know,you wonder why it takes me so long to get it done.Well,first off the wall needs 2 coats to cover,secondly getting up and down a ladder isn't what it used to be.When I remember how I used to scramble up and down those things! Good times my friends when I could run like a I feel like an old dog
However,I am getting the job done.I went to visit my mother-in-law in the hospital this week.She fell and broke her hip and had to have surgery to repair it.Now this woman is 82 years young and can run circles around me(I am ashamed to say).She is in amazing shape for her age.After 3 days of falling she was sitting up in a chair,laughing and going on and even walked 8 steps while we were there visiting her.I must say I feel that is pretty remarkable for a woman of her years.I don't believe there are many out there that can recoup as well in that amount of time."Kudos to you Mom".Well that is all I can muster up to say today and I need to get off my kiester and get a move on so take care my friends and be safe. Sando